23.7 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024



Global adult obesity set to exceed 1.53bn by 2035 – Report

The World Obesity Federation, in its latest World Obesity Atlas report, highlights the alarming surge in obesity rates among children and adolescents worldwide, urging immediate preventive actions to secure healthier future generations.Rising obesity rates...

4 out of 10 Nigerian women depressed – Psychologist say

Dr. Akin Gabriel, a Clinical Psychologist at the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Yaba, Lagos, highlights that approximately four out of ten Nigerian women experience depression.He emphasizes that about 25% of these depressed women eventually...

5 greatest secrets women keep locked away

Women, just like everyone else, carry their own set of secrets. Within the complex web of human emotions, certain aspects often linger unspoken. Let's explore the deeply personal secrets that women may keep close...

Is it appropriate for parents to go nude around their kids?

Ayodele AdesinaIt can affect cultural and family valuesNegative! It's not advisable because parents being nude in front of their kids can cause discomfort or misunderstanding, clashing with cultural or family norms valuing privacy and...

Here is how to make alewa candy at home

Remember Alewa? That sweet, sticky candy that seemed to vanish from the shelves, leaving behind nothing but fond childhood memories?Well, guess what? You can make alewa in the comfort of your home using this...

Here are 11 reasons women put on waist beads

Waist beads, also known as shanga in Swahili, are delicate strands made of various materials, offering both flexibility and versatility in styling.Enhancing Body Awareness and Mindfulness: Waist beads serve as tangible reminders of inner...

These 3 things happens to a man’s body when he abstains from sex

In a culture where discussions about sexual activity are commonplace, opting for abstinence may appear as a less conventional path.Nevertheless, for diverse reasons, some men opt to abstain from sexual activity for periods in...

Men should stop using saliva as lubricant, here is why

Using saliva as a lubricant during sex may seem convenient, but it can have adverse effects on one's sexual health.Let's delve into the potential risks associated with using saliva as a lubricant,Increased Risk...

Here is why wrist watches are worn on the left hand

For right-handed individuals, wearing the watch on the left hand reduces the risk of scratchingWith the emergence of mobile phones some people are no longer interested in buying wrist watches. Those who love to...

10 easy steps to win the heart of a “Dadabee”

Winning the affection of someone from a wealthy background, often referred to as a "dbee," requires more than just flaunting material possessions.It's about establishing a genuine connection that transcends socio-economic differences. Here are...

Understand the reasons for sudden red eyes in the morning and relief measures

Experiencing a red eye upon waking can be disconcerting, turning your reflection in the mirror into a cause for concern. However, it's essential to know that in most cases, sudden redness in the eye...

Vintage clothes still rock! Here is why

The current resurgence of vintage clothing reflects a broader cultural trend towards nostalgia and a desire for authenticity.While the fashion industry continually introduces new styles and trends each season, there is a growing...

10 style mistakes to avoid as a man

Here are ten common style mistakes that men often make, along with easy solutions to fix them and enhance their overall appearance:Shirt SleevesStart by unbuttoning the cuffs and any buttons on the gauntlet (the...

7 ways to take care of your hair during harmattan

The Harmattan season brings with it dry and dusty conditions that can take a toll on your hair. During this period, it's essential to adopt a hair care routine that focuses on hydration, protection,...

7 items you should never leave in your Car

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our cars often become makeshift storage units for various items. However, not everything is suitable for the conditions inside a vehicle. Here are seven things you...

5 essential tips for those who wear contact lens

Considering making the switch from glasses to contact lenses? Before you take the plunge, there are several important factors to keep in mind.Here are five things you should know before getting contact lenses:Opt...

Facts about eagles that were unknown to you

Eagles, the magnificent rulers of the sky, have always captivated our imagination with their elegance and power.Despite their awe-inspiring presence, there are a few lesser-known facts about these formidable birds of prey. Let's explore...

6 strategies to keep your relationship from breakup before Valentine’s Day

As Valentine's Day approaches, the pressure to maintain a thriving relationship can feel daunting.However, fear not! With some strategic maneuvers and a dash of understanding, you can navigate potential relationship pitfalls and ensure...

Why some men are hesitant to approach independent women

An independent woman, confident in her decisions and self-sufficient in managing her life, embodies a captivating blend of strength and resilience.Yet, amidst admiration, there's a noticeable hesitancy in some men when it comes...

Milk magic: A natural solution for fading scars

Scars are reminders of life's battles, lingering longer than we desire. Whether from a tumble, acne, or surgery, they often stick around as unwelcome guests on our skin.However, before splurging on pricey treatments,...

Unveiling the science behind our natural scent as well as body odour

The Dynamics of Sweat and Scent Our bodies feature two primary types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine.Eccrine glands, distributed throughout the body, release a saltwater solution to regulate body temperature, typically without...

8 heartfelt ways to make your man feel special this Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, filling the air with romance and affection. While physical intimacy is often associated with celebrating your man, there are numerous heartfelt and unconventional ways to make him feel cherished...

70% of men in Ghana do not use condoms during sex – Report

A recent survey by the Ghana Statistical Service has revealed a concerning trend: 7 out of 10 men aged 15-49 in Ghana do not use condoms during sexual activities.This revelation not only highlights...

Dont do these 4 things on Val’s Day if you are single

Valentine's Day can sometimes feel like a spotlight shining on couples, leaving those flying solo feeling a bit left out. However, being single on Valentine's Day isn't a crime, and it certainly isn't a...

3 common challenges faced by women with natural hair

Embracing one's natural mane is not just a hairstyle choice but a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.Yet, within this journey, women with natural hair encounter a series of unique challenges that can test...

A step-by-step guide to homemade delicious Ghana meat pies

Creating homemade meat pies may seem like a daunting task, but the delectable outcome makes every effort worthwhile.Whether you're craving a savory snack, hosting a gathering, or simply seeking comfort on a cozy...

Tips for a lasting relationship

Valentine's Day marks a special moment in the lives of couples.The pressure is on for partners to prove their worth in the realms of love and intimacy.However, there's a radical idea, abandon the hype...

6 tips for millennials on dating Gen Z

For many youth, especially Generation Zs, connecting with potential partners transcends traditional norms, embracing a mindful approach to dating.Delving into the intricacies of modern romance, we explore common pitfalls encountered by men in...

Kenkey price Analysis: Kenkey at Dzorwulu, Spintex most expensive, Osu, La remain affordable

A recent survey conducted on Kenkey prices has sparked discussions across Accra regarding the varying costs of this beloved Ghanaian dish.The findings, known as the Kenkey Index, have revealed notable price differentials across...

Here is why eating 2 eggs in a day is unhealthy

Eggs stand out as a nutritional powerhouse, brimming with high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Despite their benefits, the ongoing discourse surrounding their consumption, particularly regarding cholesterol, has led to conflicting guidance over time.While eggs...

Here are 5 challenges faced by children who are their parent’s only child

While there are undoubtedly benefits to not having to compete for your parents’ attention or negotiate over the TV remote, there are also unique challenges that only children face, often overlooked by those with...

7 common mistakes men make in relationships with women

For many youth, especially Generation Zs, connecting with potential partners transcends traditional norms, embracing a mindful approach to dating.Delving into the intricacies of modern romance, we explore common pitfalls encountered by men in...

Ghanaian dishes you could enjoy better the next day

In the realm of Ghanaian cuisine, renowned for its rich flavors, vibrant spices, and diverse culinary traditions, certain dishes undergo a magical transformation, reaching new heights of deliciousness when savored the next day.Jollof Rice:...

How to deal with unhealthy air quality

The air we breathe can occasionally be taken for granted in Ghana, where daily life frequently blends with the natural beauty of the country.But given the growing concerns about the quality of the air...

Understanding, overcoming the fear of large objects known as Megalophobia

Have you ever felt scared when you see a really tall building or a huge statue? It might be megalophobia, a fear of large objects. Even though it's not as famous as other fears,...

Here are 4 annoying habits practiced by church ushers

The church is undoubtedly a place for spiritual connection and reflection, but let's keep it real – sometimes those ushers throw in moves that make us raise an eyebrow or two. Here are four...

Annoying practices by kenkey sellers in Ghana

Kenkey holds a special place in our hearts, akin to a national treasure. However, the joy of purchasing our beloved kenkey is sometimes accompanied by a few hassles.Despite our deep appreciation for the...

4 negative impacts of maintaining very long nails for nursing mothers

We all know how a fresh set of long, stylish nails can boost our mood and add a dash of glam to our look. But, when you're cradling and caring for your little one,...

10 keys to always make your man happy

Understanding how to make a man happy is not as complex as it might seem.Men, like anyone else, have specific needs and desires in a relationship, and meeting these can bring genuine happiness....

Unique and thoughtful ideas for your lover on Vals day

Ladies, let's be honest; the default gift options for our boyfriends often revolve around boxers and singlets. Isn't it time we added a dash of creativity to the mix? If you're seeking something unique...

Causes, symptoms, and care for night blindness

Night blindness, or nyctalopia, extends beyond difficulties seeing in the dark; it signals an underlying issue affecting low-light vision. Let's illuminate the causes, symptoms, and treatments associated with this condition.Root Causes: Night blindness can...

Here are 5 benefits you can get from drinking beer

When it comes to indulging in a cold beer, moderation is often emphasized, but did you know that beyond being a refreshing beverage, beer can offer some surprising health benefits?A Toast to Heart Health:...

Midwife advises pregnant women to have more sex in their 9th month

A Senior Midwife at Achimota Hospital, Maame Akosua Asante, has advised women in their ninth month of pregnancy to engage in more sexual activity as the hormones in sperm can expedite labor.“Women who are...

Emotional qualities every wife should possess

This sage marriage counsel came from my mother-in-law years ago, advice I initially brushed aside in my early relationship days. Unaware of its significance as golden guidance for a healthy love life and how...

11 tips for achieving a stunning look in your corset dress

Achieving the perfect fit for your corset dress can be challenging, with its appearance varying from one wear to another. Properly fitting into a corset top demands careful preparation and attention to detail.If...

Symptoms of syphilis that are less recognized

A sexually transmitted infection (STI) called syphilis is brought on by the bacteria Treponema pallidum.While some syphilis symptoms are well-known, there are other, more subdued symptoms that might not be as well-known.It's crucial to...

Why you lost him: The unseen shift within

When relationships end, it's often a sign that something within needs to change. Your breakup might not be about hurting you but rather revealing the need for personal growth. Recognize your worth, resilience, and...

Why ketu diet may be harmful to your health

More individuals are embracing the ketogenic diet for weight loss. Also known as keto, this low-carb diet transforms the body into a fat-burning mode, prioritizing fat over carbohydrates for energy.Initially used for refractory...

Embracing beauty and the joy of aging as a woman

My bathroom shelf boasts a collection of over a dozen anti-aging creams and serums, reflecting my adherence to society's fixation on halting the aging process.The onset of my forties intensified my discomfort with...

5 signs of gonorrhea that are not common to you

Gonorrhea, an infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, primarily affects the genital and urinary areas.However, it's crucial to recognize that not everyone carrying the infection will manifest noticeable symptoms.In cases where symptoms...

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