A lady is accused of killing two of her babies and keeping the bodies in her freezer for years, according to police in South Korea, for which they have asked for an arrest warrant.
According to a representative of the Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police, the mother, who was in her 30s, acknowledged to killing the infants and claimed that she did so because it was difficult for her to provide for her other three children, who are 12, 10, and 8, due to financial constraints.
The official said that the infants were barely one day old when they passed away.
Her first alleged victim was her fourth child, born in a hospital in November 2018. Police allege she strangled the girl the day after giving birth, and put the body in the freezer of her home. She is accused of doing the same to her fifth child, a boy born in November 2019.
Her husband said he had been told the two children were aborted, and therefore did not know about the alleged murders, according to police.
The case came to light in May when the government’s Board of Audit and Inspection found the babies’ births were never officially registered, although there was a record of their births in the hospital.
The board then notified Suwon City Hal, the municipal government, which requested a police investigation after the mother refused an on-site inspection.
On June 21, the police conducted a search and seizure operation in the woman’s home, during which she confessed to the murders, police say.
The woman is due to attend an arrest warrant hearing on Friday.