The US State Department said on Friday that they really did not like the way the Hong Kong authorities were treating the family members of pro-democracy activists who are living in other countries.
The US expressed worry about activists such as Nathan Law, Joshua Wong, and Elmer Yuen. It mentioned that their family members and friends were detained and questioned by the Hong Kong police, which was a major concern for the US.
Spokesperson Matthew Miller said the Hong Kong authorities should stop bothering the family members of democracy activists.
Miller said that the intentional effort to scare and quiet down people who are using their basic rights and freedoms is continuing to make the situation in Hong Kong worse. This is another way to make people scared and quiet when they are in another country, and force them to come back.
In July, Hong Kong police searched the home of a democratic activist named Law and took his family members away to ask them questions. They have offered a reward of HK$1 million for any information that can help catch Law and other well-known activists who are hiding outside their own country and are wanted for crimes against national security.
The person named Law cut off contact with his family in Hong Kong after coming to Britain. He has been given permission to stay in the country because he is seeking protection from persecution.
On July 11, his parents and older brother were taken away to be asked if they had been giving him money. According to the city’s public broadcaster RTHK, police sources said that all three were let go afterwards.
Hong Kong police have reported that they have taken two men and a woman for questioning. They are being investigated by the national security department. It could not recognize them.
The government of Hong Kong has said many times that the national security law imposed by Beijing in 2020 does not take away people’s freedoms. It says that the law stopped the disorder and brought back peace to the city after the big protests for democracy.
Some people have said that lawyers and activists broke a law meant to protect the country. They are being accused of things like working with people from other countries and trying to overthrow the government.
The US State Department asked the Hong Kong government and China to respect the rights and freedoms of the people in Hong Kong, as stated in the Basic Law and the agreement between China and Britain.