The police have apprehended a man and a woman suspected of being involved in the death of a baby.The baby was found dead in a house in east London. At approximately 7:40pm on Tuesday, authorities came across something distressing at a residence located in the Harold Hill region of Havering.Upon receiving alerts suggesting the child’s safety was at risk, the police promptly headed to Mimosa Close.
The Met Police is looking into a death that they did not expect to happen.
Pictures were taken of forensic officers from the Metropolitan Police’s crime scene investigation team at the property.
There is a line made to keep people away, and some police officers can be seen watching nearby. The police took a man and a woman into custody because they think they may have killed the baby.
The authorities are continuously keeping them detained.
A spokesperson from the Metropolitan Police said that on Tuesday, August 22 at around 7:40 PM, the police were called to a house in Mimosa Close, Havering because there were worries about the safety and health of a baby.
The police came. They found a baby’s body. Right now, authorities are looking into the death as a surprise and are trying to figure out what happened.
There is still something happening at the address. Investigators are still looking into the situation.
A man and a woman have been arrested for possibly causing this incident’s death. They are still being held by the authorities.