The leader of the troubled Amhara region in northwest Ethiopia has stepped down due to ongoing violence, which has led to the declaration of a state of emergency for six months.
Yilkal Kefale was the leader of a very populated region in Ethiopia for around two years.
During his time in office, there have been many violent events. A very intense civil war started in Tigray next door and then spread to Amhara. This has caused the loss of many lives among the civilian population, as well as allegations of sexual abuse and a crisis concerning people’s well-being and basic needs.
In April, there were occasional fights in the area. However, this month the fights became more frequent and widespread, causing a lot of trouble. Local groups of people who are against the government’s decision to shut down a special fighting force in a specific area went into a few cities and temporarily took control of an airport.
A meeting of the council in the capital city of Bahir Dar happened urgently. They agreed with the regional president’s decision to leave and chose Arega Kebede to take his place.