The parents of a teenager who shot and killed four students at a school in the US were given at least 10 years in prison. The judge in Michigan said there were chances to stop their son from having a gun and causing the tragedy.
These beliefs are not about bad parenting, said Oakland County Judge Cheryl Matthews. “These convictions prove that someone didn’t do anything to stop the train from getting out of control. ”
The court hearing was the most important part of the effort to hold others accountable for a school shooting, in order to make them criminally responsible besides the 15-year-old attacker. It took place in a crowded and tense courtroom.
Jennifer and James Crumbley did not realize that Ethan Crumbley had a gun in his backpack when they dropped him off at Oxford High School. He called it his “beauty. ” However, the prosecutors were able to persuade the jurors that the parents were still partly responsible for the violent outcome.
The Crumbleys were blamed for not keeping the new gun they bought locked up at home and for not taking their son’s mental health problems seriously, even after they saw a scary drawing he made at school.
The Crumbleys were found guilty of causing someone’s death without meaning to.
“You are also responsible for the death of our children,” Craig Shilling said to the couple. He was wearing a hoodie with a picture of his son Justin Shilling on the front.
Nicole Beausoleil, the mother of Madisyn Baldwin who was shot, said that the Crumbleys were not good parents.
Beausoleil said, “While you were buying a gun for your son and leaving it unlocked, I was helping her complete her college essays. ”
Attorney Karen McDonald requested that the judge give a prison sentence of at least 10 years, which is longer than what the guidelines suggest.
The lawyers tried to stop the Crumbleys from going to jail. They said the Crumbleys had already been in jail for almost 2 1/2 years because they couldn’t pay a US$500,000 bond when they were arrested.
They will be given credit for the time they spent in jail and will be able to apply for parole after being in custody for 10 years. If they are not let out of prison, they might have to stay there for 15 years.
Five police officers in the Detroit courtroom stood close to the couple, and more officers were standing along the walls. James Crumbley, who is 47 years old, was heard saying scary things about McDonald while he was in jail.
Before he was punished, he stood up and said he didn’t know his son was very upset.
“I feel so sad for everyone involved. ” “I have cried for you and the sadness of losing your children many times,” he said.
The couple went to court in Oakland County, which is 40 miles north of Detroit, Michigan. The people deciding the case saw the teenage boy’s scary drawing on his school work and heard about what he did right before the attack.
Ethan Crumbley drew pictures of a gun, a bullet, and a man who was hurt on a piece of math paper. He also wrote sad words like “I can’t stop thinking about it. ” Can you assist me. There is blood all over the place. “I have no purpose in life. ”
Ethan Crumbley told a counselor he was sad because his grandmother had died and his only friend had moved away. He said the drawing he made was just about his love for creating video games.
His mom and dad had to go to a quick meeting at school that lasted less than 15 minutes. They didn’t say that the gun looked like one James Crumbley bought only four days ago, a Sig Sauer 9 mm.
The school staff did not tell the teen to go home, but they were surprised when the Crumbleys did not offer to take him home. Instead, they got a list of people who can help with mental health and said they were going back to work.
the same day, on November. On May 30, 2021, their son took out a gun from his backpack and started shooting, and he killed Shilling, Baldwin, Tate Myre and Hana St. Juliana hurt seven other people. Nobody had looked inside the bag.
Ethan Crumbley, who is now 17 years old, is in prison for the rest of his life because he killed someone and committed other crimes.
The judge said the parents didn’t pay attention to things that would make someone feel scared. “Several chances were given but were not taken. ” No one replied.
Jennifer Crumbley, 46, started by saying she was very sorry about the shooting. She also said at her trial that people misunderstood her comment about not regretting anything and not wanting to change anything.
“My son looked like any other kid. “ Jennifer Crumbley said that she didn’t have a reason to do anything else.
She said the school should have told her more about Ethan Crumbley, like how he slept in class, watched a video of a mass shooting, and wrote bad things about his family.
“The lawyers have tried to make us look like bad parents who could only raise a school or mass shooter,” Jennifer Crumbley said. “We were good at taking care of our children. ” “We were just a normal family. ”
In the trials, no experts talked about Ethan Crumbleyâs mental health. But the judge decided that the jury could see parts of his journal, even though the defense didn’t want them to.
“I have no support for my mental health issues and it’s making me use drugs. ” “He wrote about the school. ” “I need help, but my parents ignore me, so I can’t get any help. ”
The family of the people who were hurt did not think the things that the Crumbleys’ said in court were good. Beausoleil said they were acting like they were the ones who were being hurt.
“They were acting sorry, but they weren’t admitting they did anything wrong,” said Steve St. Juliana, Hana’s dad, said outside the court. “I’m sure they felt sad because people died. ” I think they are upset that their son is in jail and that they are also in jail. “Please simplify this text for me. ” What’s important is for them to realize that they did something wrong.
The judge will decide if the Crumbleys can talk to their son while they are in different prisons. The prosecutor said that usually co-defendants are not allowed to talk to each other.
The lawyers defending the Crumbleys said that they have the right to be a family according to the constitution. But McDonald was thinking about the parents of the victims.
“The parents in that courtroom don’t have the right to be parents, and that’s important,” she told the news.