A man who caught a baby seagull and masturbated over it while viewing porn in an alleyway was imprisoned.
The perplexing assault was carried out by David Lee in Sunderland in August of last year, in what the judge called “one of the most unusual cases” he had ever seen.
After pleading guilty to causing needless suffering to a protected animal, the 40-year-old was today given a 24-week term and a 10-year ban from keeping animals.
Lee was apprehended after a neighbourhood resident gave the police CCTV evidence showing him pursuing the bird at around one in the morning.
Prosecutor Lesley Burgess told South Tyneside Magistrates Court what happened in the video once the defendant had gotten hold of the seagull.
She said: ‘The defendant takes his phone out of his pocket. He thereafter takes down his trousers.
‘He then goes down – it’s very clear he is masturbating at the time. He then goes on to move the gull to between his legs.
‘For a time the defendant is engaging in a sexual act with the baby seagull. The defendant then stands back up.’
She added that Lee then picked up his phone and gave the bird a ‘little kick’ before walking off in the other direction.
The court also heard that police discovered Lee had been watching porn which involved animals when they searched his phone. The prosecution argued this would have distressed the seagull even more.
The woman who first reported the footage to the police told how she had been affected after having to watch Lee’s attack on the bird.
She said: ‘For almost a year the actions of this person have caused me a lot of mental stress and anxiety. I am unable to get the horrendous actions out of my head. I was haunted by what he did.
‘I sincerely hope the sentence gives justice to the bird he defiled. I hope it serves as a deterrent to anyone else who thinks animal abuse is acceptable.’
Lee had initially tried to claim that he was attempting to help an injured bird, using his phone to ‘locate a local vet’, but ended up pleading guilty before trial.
His defence lawyer, Annalise Moscardini, highlighted this plea and said it was ‘clearly an unusual offence’.
She said: ‘I would assess that as Mr Lee being unable to understand why he did what he did. There was a genuine disbelief about it.
‘There’s a part of time he doesn’t recall. He doesn’t remember a part of time due to drink. There’s certainly heavy alcohol use. There is not any attempt to cause it any harm.’
Ms Moscardini went on to explain that Lee suffers from a personality disorder, a detachment from reality and pathological lying.
The court was also told how Lee, of Roker Avenue, Sunderland, had served a prison sentence in 2020 for possession of a bladed article, for which he has another previous conviction for.
Chair of the bench Angela Thompson said: ‘We find this offence is a deliberate attempt to cause suffering and a high level of suffering was caused to the young bird.
‘We have considered the psychological reports and the mitigation from your solicitor.’