Popular American rapper Kanye West has gone viral on social media after holding a church service on the streets in America.
In the video that was sighted by YEN.com.gh, Kanye was seen praying and preaching to the people who stood by him.
“Show my people the way, show us how to love, how to give and how to pray,” Kanye West said in the microphone while the people looked on.
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He then knelt down in the middle of the crowd and began to speak words in relation to getting born again.
The video which has gone viral on social media got users talking as some showered accolades on Kanye:
@kofisam007 recalled talking about Kanye’s preaching: “Too much from Kanye …I knew one day he was the next Saul to Paul I said this.”
@niigasai_ admitted Kanye was worshipping right: “The Way to Worship ur Maker. HUMILITY.”
@daakyebillionaire showered accolades on Kanye West: “Lemme just say this, i know many of you will disagree but Kanye is the GOAT at this Music thing.”
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@official_blakmoor had this to say: “His Usual Thing Most Sundays.. Don’t need to be a pastor.. He’s Praising God and THAT’S IT.”
Source:Â yen.com.gh