E Jean Carroll arrived at the Federal District Court in Manhattan on Monday morning for the commencement of a trial alleging the former president Donald Trump of rape.
On the opening day of the trial, a woman who accuses former President Donald Trump of raping her thirty years ago has come in court.
Just before nine on Tuesday morning, columnist E Jean Carroll arrived at the Federal District Court in Manhattan. She appeared to be smiling a little bit and was dressed in dark sunglasses, a dark shirt, and a light gray jacket.
Jury selection in the civil trial is scheduled to start over Carroll’s claim that Trump sexually assaulted her in a luxury department dressing room in the mid-1990s.
Carroll went through a security line alongside dozens of potential jurors.
A handful of protesters gathered near news cameras set up on Worth Street.
‘We support E Jean Carroll,’ her backers chanted. One man held a sign that read, ‘Trump is a rapist.’