‘Bags of love notes’ are reportedly being sent to the murderous husband of Caroline Crouch, who strangled her before staging a robbery.
Babis Anagnostopoulos, 34, has received a reported ‘astounded’ number of letters from ‘fans’ since being sentenced to 27 years in prison.
The 19-year-old was killed by the helicopter pilot, who then tied himself up and killed their dog Roxy to make it appear as though thieves were responsible for the attack in May 2021.
He also abandoned their infant Lydia, who was found in Attica, Greece, next to her mother’s decomposing remains.
Now in prison in remote Malandrino, Anagnostopoulos apparently has ‘bags’ of fan mail.
A guard at the high-security jail told The Sun: ‘We read, as is protocol, all the mail and have been left astounded.
‘They are written by women, Greek women, who say they are in love with him.
‘They believe he is innocent, that Caroline’s murder was premeditated and everything happened in the heat of the moment.’

A state coroner said Caroline suffered ‘a long and agonising death’.
She was pinned down as she slept while Anagnostopoulos held a pillow over her face for five minutes.
After police analysed his smart watch it became clear he was the killer.
He is trying to overturn the sentence by arguing there were ‘mitigating circumstances’ around the brutal murder.
An appeal was due to take place yesterday, but this was postponed as his lawyer fell ill.
Caroline’s dad, David Crouch, from Liverpool, has said his priority is now raising Lydia.
He told local TV station Mega: ‘I am determined that the monster who killed her mother, as well as those two ridiculous people who are his parents, will never see my granddaughter again.’
The now three-year-old girl lives in the Philippines with the family of Caroline’s half-sister.
Anagnostopoulos’ parents are only allowed to speak to her for only one hour a week via Skype or other electronic means, according to a court order.