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Friday, July 5, 2024

Tag: DRC

Leader of failed DRC coup filmed Facebook Live inside palace before death

Footage has surfaced showing the leader of an attempted coup in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) broadcasting live on Facebook from within the presidential...

UN calls for “independent” investigation into anti-MONUSCO protest

The United Nations has called for an "independent" investigation after a crackdown on an anti-UN protest in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) resulted...

UAE signs $1.9 billion deal with DRC mining company

On Monday, President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) revealed that a $1.9 billion agreement had been signed between the United...

Rwanda and DRC end year with icy relations as fresh allegations emerge

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are trading accusations over alleged territorial violations and espionage, which could dampen the hope for any ebbing...

Religious leaders meet in eastern DRC

Religious leaders met on Saturday in Goma following the violence that resulted in at least 50 deaths in eastern DRC.On Thursday, the military accused...

DRC relatively calm but no withdrawal from M23-held areas

The ceasefire between the M23 rebels and the Congolese army appeared to be holding on Monday in eastern DRC, but no movement to withdraw...

War in DRC’s east: Demonstrators call out ‘international community’s complicity’

The demonstration took place one day after a meeting in Luanda where the DRC, Burundi, Rwanda as well as the East African Community envoy...

DRC: Two die from lightning strikes at displaced persons camp

Two people died from lightning strikes on Monday in a displaced persons camp in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.More than 260,000 people have...

DRC: Artillery fire on M23 rebel positions

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is yet to fulfil its promise by taking action to protect its people despite promise, local sources have...

DRC: A coffee entrepreneur’s success

Aristotle Mumbere, who is 25, works day and night to transform these seeds into coffee powder with the help of his small team from...

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