Deadline: September 30, 2019
: Switzerland Universities
: Developing Countries, International Students
: Masters
: Business Administration
: Fully Funded CHF 25000
Scholarship Description:
Switzerland Nestlé MBA Scholarships for Women is open for Developing Countries, International Students . The scholarship allows Masters level programm(s) in the field of Business Administration taught at Switzerland Universities . The deadline of the scholarhip is September 30, 2019
Degree Level: The Nestle IMD scholarship provides MBA oppurtunity for women.
Available Subjects: Business Management (Masters).
Scholarship benefits: The successfull candidate will recieve CHF 25,000.
Eligible Nationalities: Women from any nationality may apply however Preference is given to women from developing countries. Employees of Nestlé or its subsidiaries are not eligible.
Elgibility Criteria:
The candidate must be a female.
Shall have qualifying degree education i.e bachelors to secure admission.
Application procedure:
Together with the MBA financial aid application form, you must also submit a 750-word essay using the IMD MBA Scholarship template on “Many have argued that greater diversity in the Top Management team of an organization is good for profits and customers. What would you recommend as ways to achieve greater diversity?†The deadline for scholarship applications is 30 September annually.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application forms and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Deadlineline: 30 September
Scholarship Link