Dear Atta Akyea,
You aren’t smarter than Ghanaians. We can glean your partiality. Your body language, line of questioning and recurring remarks consistently hint at personal biases against the IGP.
You don’t look like a credible chairman of any important committee. Rather, you look more like a defence counsel for the bitter police officers whose quest to be made IGPs so they can subvert the will of the people has been exposed.
It is not by force to chair this committee, especially when your work output is more of a disservice. If you don’t have any personal interest in this matter, then recuse yourself or get replaced by the Speaker, as your role is more of a nuisance, and annoying, particularly when you think we are unable to read in between the lines.
Just recuse yourself, it is not by force!
Yaw Gyampo
A31, Prabiw
PAV Ansah Street
Suro Nipa House
Behind Old Post Office
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