Ghanaian boxer Abubakar Kamoko, also known as Abu Kamoko, faced a tough battle against his Congolese opponent, Nathan Nlandu, during their fight at the 2023 African Games on Thursday, March 21, 2024, held at the Bukom Boxing Arena.
Abu Kamoko, the son of the renowned boxer Bukom Banku, secured a contentious victory over Nathan Nlandu in their semifinal match of the men’s 86kg category with a narrow margin of 4-3, advancing to the final.
Initially, Abu Kamoko, nicknamed Tilapia, displayed a strong start in the fight, landing impressive punches while his opponent struggled to make an impact.
However, as the match progressed, Tilapia began to tire, allowing Nlandu to gain momentum and launch a comeback with relentless attacks.
In moments of exhaustion, Tilapia resorted to holding onto the ropes and clinching his opponent to catch his breath and evade potential knockouts.
During the intense bout, there were instances where Tilapia forcibly pulled Nlandu to the ground.
As the fight concluded, Tilapia remained on the canvas briefly before entertaining the crowd with his trademark dance moves.
Tilapia is now set to compete in the final on Friday, March 22, 2024, aiming to secure a gold medal.