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WorldPutin cautions South Korea against supplying of arms to Ukraine in war...


Putin cautions South Korea against supplying of arms to Ukraine in war against Russia


Vladimir Putin has cautioned South Korea against supplying arms to Ukraine, labeling such a move as “a big mistake.”

This warning follows Seoul’s consideration of arming Ukraine in response to the newly formed Russia-North Korea alliance, which includes a pledge to support each other against aggression.

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Putin indicated that Moscow would take actions “unlikely to please the current leadership of South Korea” if Seoul proceeds with its plan to arm Kyiv. He made these remarks while in Vietnam, following an elaborate visit to North Korea where he signed a mutual defense agreement with Kim Jong Un.

Furthermore, Putin threatened that Moscow might provide military assistance to Pyongyang should the US and its allies persist in arming Ukraine.

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“Those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us. I said, including in Pyongyang, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world,” Mr Putin said.

Seoul had earlier condemned the Russian-North Korean agreement as a threat to its national security, and national security adviser Chang Ho-jin had said his country planned to “reconsider the issue of arms support to Ukraine”.

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In response to President Putin’s statements, South Korea’s presidential office announced on Friday that it is considering “various options” for supplying arms to Ukraine, noting that their decision will “depend on how Russia approaches this issue.”

Additionally, South Korea summoned Russian ambassador Georgy Zinoviev to express strong disapproval of the military agreement with North Korea, urging Moscow to “immediately cease” its cooperation with Pyongyang.

This development follows a pledge of mutual support between Putin and Kim Jong-un against perceived aggression, with China playing a significant role in their growing alliance. Despite South Korea providing humanitarian aid and military equipment to Ukraine, it has refrained from sending lethal weapons due to its policy against arming nations at war.

Some in Ukraine hope that the military collaboration between Russia and North Korea might prompt South Korea to reconsider its stance.

During Putin’s visit to Pyongyang, Kim Jong-un expressed “full support” for Russia’s actions in Ukraine. There is mounting evidence that North Korean missiles are already being used by Russia in the conflict.

John Kirby, spokesperson for the US National Security Council, commented on the Russian-North Korean pact, stating it should “concern any country that values peace and stability.”

He added that the agreement was “no surprise” as the US had been alerting the international community about the developing defense relationship between the two nations for months.

Japan also voiced its concerns, with government spokesperson Yoshimasa Hayashi labeling the agreement “unacceptable” and expressing alarm that President Putin did not rule out military technology cooperation with North Korea.

Analysts warn that this treaty could have significant global and regional consequences. Not only might North Korea openly arm Russia, but Russia could also become involved in any new conflict on the Korean peninsula.

Tensions remain high between the two Koreas, which are technically still at war and maintain a heavily fortified border.

Recently, North Korean troops briefly crossed the border into South Korea on Thursday, retreating after warning shots were fired.

This incident marks the third such occurrence in less than three weeks, with South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff suggesting the previous incidents appeared to be accidental.

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