Paris Saint-German star and football great, Lionel Messi has been trending on social media following his brother, Matias Messi’s comment about Barcelona during a viral Twitch live video on Wednesday, February 8, 2022.
Matias Messi stated that Barcelona were a relatively smaller club and that his brother made the club who they are today.
“Barcelona started to be known because of Messi, nobody knew them, only Madrid.”
He further blamed club president Joan Larporta for Messi’s exit in 2021 and labelled the Spanish as a traitor.
“People in Barcelona did not support Leo. They should have done a march or something. Let Laporta leave and Messi stay. Spanish people are traitors. I’m telling you this because I want you to hear it from us, not somewhere else.”
The video has gone viral as Barcelona fans have turned on Matias for putting his brother, who is dear to Barcelona fans, in a bad light.
Matias after several backlashes later apologized via his Instagram story and deleted the video from Twitch.
“I want to apologize for what I said. I was only making jokes to my son and his friends. How could I think that about a club so big as Barcelona, with their history and everything they did for my family and Leo? For us, Catalonia is our second home. I’m sorry.”
Below are some reactions from Barcelona fans on social media