In a recent installment of the “Uncut with D-Black” show, Ghanaian reggae and dancehall sensation Jupitar delved into the complexities of managing his music career alongside family obligations.
He openly discussed the challenges that come with navigating the demanding landscape of the music industry while trying to foster strong familial connections.
Referring to the music industry as “suicidal” for those aiming to establish a stable family life, Jupitar candidly addressed the inherent difficulties.
Despite acknowledging the uphill battle, he shared occasional compromises made in an effort to find a harmonious balance, recognizing that sacrifices are often unavoidable.
Jupitar highlighted the ongoing struggle to synchronize his musical pursuits with the responsibilities of family life, underscoring the essential nature of making sacrifices to effectively manage both aspects of his life.
“I try as much as possible to sometimes violate the process. Even if I will come home at ten, I will come home the next morning. I won’t do it often. The balance is quite difficult,” he said.