Seronei Chelulei Cheison has amused netizens by recounting a moment from 1987 when he almost lost his place at the prestigious Kapsabet Boys High School due to a cultural tradition.
In an interview with the well-known Kenyan website, Seronei revealed that his guardian had to pen a letter on his behalf.
This was because he had undergone a cultural initiation from boyhood to adulthood in November 1986 and had to observe a period of seclusion.

Seronei when still in school and now as an adult. Second frame shows the letter his guiardian wrote. Seronei Chelulei Cheison, while still a student at Kapsabet Boys High School (l), the letter written by his guardian (c), how he looks presently (r). Photos: Seronei Chelulei Cheison.
“I was already a Form One student at Kapsabet Boys High School so, while my classmates were going to Form Two in 1987, I was still in seclusion. I only came out on January 19, 1987, and had to be in school the next day!” explained Seronei.
“I was sent back home for coming to school late and my guardian had to get someone to write that letter! I’d have lost my place at Kapsabet Boys High School otherwise. I was asked to serve a day’s punishment; I cleaned the toilets and the compound for coming to school late,” he added.
Part of the letter, which Seronei took to school, read: “I beg to apologise for the delayance of the boy to return to school due to some unavoidable rite of circumcision.We did expect them to come early, but due to some unexpected matters arising, we had to delay them.”
” I also have a business in Kenya; Sinonin Tea Estate and the just completed Kipkenda Poultry, which is funded by the German GIZ through a WIDU.Africa grant,” he added.
Reactions from netizens: Bw Henry: “Ala.., you “came out” on 19th, and back to class on 20th …Mokiitechomu osneti. .” Philip Maritim Taptengelei: “That guardian did use fairly good English! I enjoyed reading the letter.”
Kugo Kattam Jacob: “The punctuation marks are perfectly in place. Simple and communicating well. Good job.” Lesuda Alexis: “Funny how the boy had been transformed to be an adult and still be referred as the boy after graduation .” Chepsiror Stanley “What was the outcome was he allowed to continue.” Chepkok Stecy: “Waaah writing, iko sawa, Is Mr. Paul k. Tuwei(kipsongony mwenyewe) ama ni mwingine?”