26.2 C
Saturday, June 29, 2024


Millions of children going hungry in Sudan – Unicef

Head of Unicef, Catherine Russell, has described Sudan as one of the most dire places for children globally.She highlighted that Sudan currently hosts...

UNICEF is yet to deliver $81.8m worth of COVID-19 drugs to Ghana – Dafeamekpor

The Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, has accused UNICEF of failing to deliver COVID-19 medications, leaving Ghana with a substantial debt...

More than 230 million women have undergone female genital mutilation globally – UNICEF

A recent report by the United Nations Children’s Agency has revealed that over 230 million women and girls have undergone female genital mutilation, with...

230 million women undergo female genital circumcisions Globally – UNICEF

More than 230 million women and girls in Africa have had female genital mutilation, according to a report from the United Nations. In the...

Deputy Minister emphasizes importance of early childhood education in Ghana

Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. Ntim Fordjour, has underscored the critical need to prioritize Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Ghana, highlighting significant strides made...

Baby born via caesarean section after mother killed by Israeli artillery

A baby was born by C-section after its mother died in an Israeli bombing in Gaza. The doctors quickly tried to help the child...

USAID, UNICEF partner Education Ministry to provide school items worth $500,000 to students in flood-affected communities

The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is partnering with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education to provide...

Usman Khawaja to contest Gaza message ruling

Australian cricket player Usman Khawaja says he will not accept the decision to stop him from speaking out in support of Palestinians during a...

Nobody feels secured as bombs fall every ten minutes – Unicef

James Elder, who speaks for an agency that helps children, says he is worried about how the Israeli military action in southern Gaza will...

Israel claims its military is extending its reach throughout Gaza

The Israeli military is now attacking more areas in Gaza where they believe Hamas is located. This is according to their spokesperson Rear Admiral...

Must read