Tag: Bretton Wood institution
Ghana’s energy sector arrears soar to $1.6 Billion, IMF raises concerns over gov’t payables in 2023
Ghana's energy sector is grappling with arrears amounting to $1.6 billion, equivalent to 2.3 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as of the...
World Bank revises Ghana’s 2023 growth rate to 1.6%
According to the World Bank's April 2023 Africa Pulse Report, Ghana's growth rate has been reduced to less than 2.0% in 2023, ranking it...
Ghana has the highest outstanding IMF loans in Africa
Ghana is the most indebted African country to the International Monetary Fund though the country’s debt to the Fund was unchanged at $1.70bn in...
Ghana ranks 1st with highest food price increases of 122% in Sub-Saharan Africa – World Bank
Ghana is ranked 1st by the World Bank with the highest food prices in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2022.According to the Bretton Wood institution’s October...