CM Punk has made his return to the WWE after being gone for almost 10 years.
The crowd cheered loudly when they heard his music at the Survivor Series event in the United States on Saturday night.
He first quit WWE in 2014 and has often talked about how he was not happy with the storylines and did not get proper medical care.
People thought the 45-year-old would return after he left another wrestling company called All Elite Wrestling (AEW).
WWE’s Triple H said CM Punk’s return in Chicago was a bit last minute.
“Something amazing happened very fast, and we are so excited about it,” he said at the press conference after the show.
“It didn’t start happening until everyone stopped expecting it to happen, and then suddenly it was happening. ”
Triple H mentioned that CM Punk has suggested many times that he wouldn’t come back to WWE after leaving ten years ago.
Triple H said that if you haven’t changed in 10 years, you’ve made a mistake.
“Everyone gets older, and everyone becomes different. ” I am not the same as before, he is not the same as before, this company is new, and we all have the same starting point.
After he left WWE in 2014, CM Punk, whose real name is Phil Brooks, tried out mixed martial arts with UFC for a brief period.
He started working at AEW in 2021, but he left the company this year after the All Out show at Wembley Stadium.
People on social media, as well as other wrestlers, were really surprised when he came back to WWE. One person even said it was the most exciting moment in wrestling history.
Randy Orton came back to the ring after being injured for more than a year. He looked at CM Punk and they both smiled at each other.
WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes said: “If he can help us with our plans and goals, then he is definitely welcome to join us. ”
“I think the CM Punk we’re getting is very eager, and that’s great. “