Similar to numerous other nations, Uganda confronts substantial issues linked to alcohol use disorders (AUDs) stemming from risky alcohol consumption. This predicament significantly affects both public health and the overall social welfare of individuals who engage in such behaviour.
As a part of an ambitious effort to address challenges related to alcohol, a group of 17 addiction treatment experts collaborated with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to organise a five-day workshop.
The primary objective of this workshop was to create a comprehensive manual that provides guidance for the screening and treatment of individuals impacted by hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders.
At the workshop, Ministry of Health psychiatrist Dr. Kenneth Kalani Okware explained that to combat and reduce the impact of excessive alcohol consumption, it is essential to develop a comprehensive tool that will help primary health care workers deliver effective care.
“As mental health specialists, we should focus on designing a comprehensive Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol that matches the needs of primary care workers.”
The manual was developed in line with the WHO SAFER (explain the abbreviation) initiative launched in 2018 at the Third UN High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
SAFER is a technical package of cost-effective interventions for the prevention of harmful alcohol use.
It has been developed to deliver health and development gains to meet global, regional, and national health needs, and to reduce the human suffering and pain caused by harmful alcohol use.
“The harmful use of alcohol has a devastating impact on Consumers’ health, including injuries, mental health problems, and diseases like cancer and stroke. I call on the government of Uganda to Strengthen restrictions on alcohol availability and Facilitate access to screening, brief interventions, and treatment at all levels, said Dr. Yonas Tegegn, Woldemariam, WHO Representative to Uganda.
Taking part in the workshop, Dr. Hafisa Kasule, WHO Technical Officer for Non-Communicable Diseases, revealed that “Ugandans currently consume over 12 litres of pure alcohol per year per capita.
Surprisingly, less than 50% of the population consumes alcohol, which means that the few who do drink are drinking too much, a challenge that demands immediate action,” she said.
She also stressed that tackling the pervasive problem of harmful alcohol use is essential to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.5 on alcohol and substance abuse.
WHO’s efforts to support Uganda in the prevention and control of alcohol consumption are long-standing.
Actions to date include, among others, the development of a risk factor survey in 2013 and 2023 to determine the burden of alcohol consumption in the country; the adaptation and piloting of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (MHGAP) intervention guide to facilitate access to alcohol use disorder services in primary health care centres.
Moving forward, WHO is in discussions with members of the Ugandan parliament to lobby for the adoption of the Alcohol Control Bill. This law will provide a legal basis for controlling the production, marketing, and consumption of alcohol in the country.