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Hohoe mosques remain closed

6th June 2020 1:25:30 PM

1 min read

All mosques in the Hohoe Municipality of the Volta Region remain closed to daily prayers, including the Friday prayer; “?al?t al-Jumu?ah” to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus disease.

Consequently, Muslims are continuing their individual prayers at homes, checks by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) reveals.

Alhaji Mahmud Issaka, the Hohoe Municipal Chief Imam, in an interview with GNA said although the restrictions on religious activities were eased, the requirements demanded before the mosques were opened, are “a lot”.

He said a meeting held by all Imams in the Municipality, therefore, concluded that all mosques should remain closed until positive Covid-19 cases decreased and all restrictions are lifted.

Alhaji Issaka said they also realised that once the mosques were opened, a lot would be required to effect the protocols and breaching them after reopening would be counterproductive.

Mallam Mohammed Awal, an opinion leader at Hohoe Zongo noted that it was better to allow mosques to remain closed despite the easing of restrictions to curb the spread of the disease than to have even one person infected.

He called on all Muslims to continue to observe their individual prayers and pray for the end of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Hohoe Municipal Office of Zoomlion Ghana Limited is fumigating churches ahead for their opening for services on Sunday, June 7.

Source: GNA