An emotional new documentary titled “Where Is Wendy Williams?” that aired on Lifetime showcased former talk show host Wendy Williams sharing an unfiltered account of her touching experiences over the past few years, including the aftermath of her show’s cancellation in 2022 and the initiation of her court-appointed guardianship.
The cameras captured the shocking and painful scenes of Williams’ life, shedding light on issues ranging from alcohol abuse to numerous health challenges.
The documentary also showcased touching moments, including an exclusive clip shared with PEOPLE, where former reality star Angela “Blac Chyna” White visited Williams during a vulnerable period.
In the heartwarming exchange, Chyna expressed gratitude for Williams’ honest and motherly guidance over the years.
During the extended scene featured in the documentary, Williams, sitting in her New York City apartment, removed her wig to reveal her real hair and breaks down as she shows Chyna the physical impact of lymphedema on her feet.
Off-screen, the connection between the two extends beyond the documentary.
Chyna, who recently opened up about her own struggles with substance abuse, pledged her support to Williams, emphasizing the genuine love and unwavering friendship they share.
In a touching moment, Chyna reassured Williams, “That’s why I love you so much, because even in my darkest times, you never used that against me.”
Williams responded with a surprising revelation about her personal life, sharing, “My real name is Wendy Hunter. Yup. And I’m divorced. He’s got no money.”
Despite the unexpected disclosure, Chyna remained supportive, expressing her love for Williams, who, seeming more like herself, reciprocates the sentiment before the two share an embrace.
The documentary unfolds a raw and authentic portrayal of Wendy Williams’ life, showcasing both the challenges she faced and the unexpected friendships that provide solace along the way.